Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Splashes of Color

Helping to reduce our current drought conditions while providing a cool and relaxing summer day, a mild but steady rain falls gently and silently outside. The increased relative humidity is undoubtedly greatly appreciated by the tropical plants in the conservatory. As a southern transplant, I am very appreciative of experiencing actual humidity in Minnesota!

Oriental Lily
With a large number of school groups, today’s visitor numbers are high and steady throughout the afternoon. Providing me the opportunity to observe human nature, I can easily see that the crowds around the North Garden koi pond are kids of all ages. Everyone likes to look at the koi! I often think that there are not enough places to sit around the North Garden koi pond. A relaxing serene spot like this would be a truly wonderful winter escape.

Every volunteer day, I enjoy searching the various plants to see what fruits are still out and what new ones have shown up. Today, I see new star fruit, jack fruit and cacao pods that I didn’t see last week. There are still bananas growing in the back on a blood banana plant. Too bad they are hidden so visitors can’t see them. They give me the chance, however, to interact with visitors in such a way that I can show them something that they otherwise would not have seen on their own.

Today I am particularly enamored by the oriental lily in the Sunken Garden and a beautiful yellow plant that staff have added inside the North Garden. Accomplishing the gardeners’ goal of placing such colorful beauties throughout the gardens, they provide a bright splash of color and beauty on this overcast and dreary day.

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